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Worship Service – Sunday after Easter 2022


The difference between faith and fact is that one offers life and the other information. The Gospel of John throughout refers to the recording of the acts and teachings of Jesus as a witness to the messiah “so that you may believe” (John 20:31a), and “that through believing in him you may have life” (John 20:31b).

The Easter season is about coming to a new belief about life, one that breaks the bonds of what we have known and sends us on a journey of what we can yet know.

Believing is Seeing

Psalm 118:14-29 &
John 20:19-31


There are two ways of accessing the video files.  First, the entire worship service is downloadable as one file.  Or, each part of the worship service is downloadable at their corresponding Vimeo page.  Look for the “Download” button below the video, to the right.

A) Entire Worship ServiceVIEW/DOWNLOAD HERE

This is the complete worship service.  Please note that it can be a large file size to download.

B) Parts of the Worship Service

  1. Prelude: “How Great Is Our God” (Instrumental) performed by Mahe Vakauta (Harris UMC, Hawai’i)
  2. Greeting & Welcome: Bishop Grant Hagiya
  3. Call to Worship: Rev. John Farley, Assistant to the Bishop for Leadership
  4. Special Music: “House of the Lord” performed by Valencia UMC Worship Band
  5. Old Testament Reading (in Spanish): Psalm 118:14-29 | Ana-Haydeé Urda, Conference Hispanic Committee Chair
  6. Affirmation of Faith: “Apostles’ Creed, Ecumenical Version” UMH 882, adapted | Rev. Won-Seok Yuh (Harris UMC, Hawai’i)
  7. Special Music: “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” performed by Laila Soakai & Erick Ramirez (First UMC of Ontario)
  8. Prayer of Confession and Lord’s Prayer: Kimmie Stradling, Conference Young Adult Council & Camping Staff
  9. The Gospel Lesson: John 20:19-31 | Rev. Sandra Olewine, South District Superintendent
  10. Message: “Believing is Seeing” Rev. Dr. Christopher Carter, Professor of Religious Studies at USD & Associate Pastor at Westwood UMC
  11. Special Music: “He Has Made Me Glad” Gospel medley by Exodus UMC Choir
  12. Benediction and Sending Forth: Bishop Grant Hagiya
  13. Postlude: “Fanfare” performed by Ty Woodward (Santa Monica First UMC)

Other Materials

Theme & Order of Worship 


  • “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” (PDF)

Manuscripts/Transcripts of Liturgy

  • Sermon by Rev. Carter:
    • English (PDF)
    • Korean translation (PDF)
    • Spanish translation (PDF)
    • Tongan translation (PDF)
    • Vietnamese translation (PDF)