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2024 Justice and Compassion Essential Ministry Team Grants Awarded

The recent grant cycle for the JCEMT grants, hunger grants, and peace with justice grants has just completed with checks and letters mailed out in the last few days. The amount of requests received was overwhelming in quantity but wonderful to see the many and varied mission work being done across our annual conference.

There were 26 applications for the JCEMT Grants, 23 for hunger grant, and five for Peace with Justice.  These applications came from across every district of our conference and were an eclectic mixture of ministries.

We were requested a total of $118,000 for the JCEMT grants, against a budgeted amount of $50,000.  Our leadership team met for a hard morning’s work in reading, assessing, and understanding each of the applications and their needs.

Some of the applicants applied for all three grants, and unfortunately as stated in the post regarding grants which was sent out to the conference, due to the high demand, we can only process one application from each body applying.

We were truly inspired by the work being done in so many different and creative ways.  In order to assist churches in making their ministries sustainable and with a greater focus on justice elements to their work, we plan to offer some opportunities in the fall to meet with community organizers, and other professionals who can help teach us about how to create sustainable and ongoing ministries.  Watch out for further details through the summer months.  We look forward to being with you!

Rev. Dr. Denyse Barnes
Director JCEMT