In the United Methodist Church the end of June and the beginning of July mean one BIG thing: “Change”! For many churches and pastors this is the time to say farewell and welcome to pastors moving to a new church as a part of the itinerate system characteristic of United Methodism. For every church and every pastor it is also the beginning of a new appointment year which runs from July 1 to June 30 each year.
To make life a little easier this year, the Conference is providing another online virtual worship service for June 27, 2021. Pastors and worship teams may use any portion or the entire service as their resources for Sunday worship on June 27. The link to these resources will go live at – or via the button below – by June 21, if not earlier.
Participants from churches all around the conference have submitted portions of the service, and the sermon will be in English and Spanish.
Even if you do not use this service on this Sunday, feel free to use it when you need to or just enjoy it as an additional opportunity to worship God!
Rev. John Farley
South District Superintendent
Dean of Cabinet