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Call to Christian Conferencing on the COB’s Response to the Ministry of Bishop Melvin G. Talbert

Brothers and Sisters,

In light of the Council of Bishops response to the ministry of Bishop Melvin G. Talbert, I have altered my participation in connectional church meetings to return home earlier this coming week in order to be pastorally present for you.

I will return on Monday, November 18 and make myself available to be in conversation and prayer with any and all who so desire. I will be available all day Tuesday and Wednesday, November 19 and 20. I will arrive at my office by 8:30 am each of these days and be available to you for as much of the day as you need. You do not need to make an appointment, just come. My door will be open to all.

For those who might not be able to travel to Cal-Pac Center in person, I will make myself available to be in phone conversation.  Arrangements can be made through Gail Kendall, Administrative Assistant to the Bishop at (626) 568-7313.

Please know that as your bishop I am praying for ALL of us.


Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño