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August 1, 2024 Letter from Bishop Escobedo-Frank

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August 1, 2024

Dear California-Pacific Conference,

Today is the first day of my time away. I will take August to rest, re-create, read, and restore my body and soul into new and slower rhythms. We have been through a busy season of General Conference, Annual Conference, and Jurisdictional Conference. We have seen many among us be lifted up for the role of bishop, showing our strength in leadership. And we witnessed and rejoiced  as our own Rev. Sandy Olewine became Bishop Sandy Olewine. That rejoicing comes with a bit of sadness as we release her to the California-Nevada Conference. I know you will be praying with me for Bishop Olewine. My prayers for her will be that she is surrounded by wise leaders who have a deep love of God and God’s people.

Bishop Olewine’s move to California-Nevada opens up a position for a new Assistant to the Bishop. Some have asked about my plans for filling that role. I have been considering many of our own leaders, both clergy and laity, and am seeking God’s wisdom for our conference. I plan to take this time away to listen and see what God is up to. This is not a time for me to rush to a decision. Thankfully, the Cabinet is stepping up to cover various roles temporarily. And we have asked Rev. John Farley to come back to continue the work on the GCFA report and implementation. This cooperation among our leaders gives me much peace as I discern forward.

While I am gone, I will continue to pray for you, for our Conference, and for our call to ministry. I hope your August is filled with excitement for what God is up to in your life. I hope you will flourish in all the places where growth is occurring. I pray you will plant a tree and/or a garden in your church. (Jim and I have planted a new tree in the episcopal residence, and will be getting our ground ready for planting herbs and vegetables). I pray our gardens feed our bodies, feed our communities, and feed our souls as we work together to restore God’s earth to the Garden called “heaven on earth.” And I pray, with God’s help, we do the work to end spiritual and physical hunger.

See you soon.

Grace y paz,

Bishop Dottie Escobedo-Frank
Resident Bishop of the Los Angeles Area