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Camp Cedar Glen Celebrates Winter Camp and Chapel Rededication

by Alisa Wentzel, Program Director of Camp Cedar Glen

Around 85 people from 8 different United Methodist Churches in the South District gathered at Camp Cedar Glen in Julian this January for a winter family retreat. Guests participated in several fun activities such as rock climbing, archery, slingshots, hiking, crafts, campfire, games, disco bingo, star gazing, and more.  Guests also had the opportunity to participate in a service project to aid children and animals affected by the recent fires.  Families brought pet supplies, to be donated to shelters in LA, as well as backpacks and school supplies.  In the end, we were able to stuff 28 backpacks with school supplies and a little stuffed animal for comfort. These backpacks have since been delivered to children in LA who lost not only their homes but their schools as well.  We are so grateful for the large group of families that participated and supported this important ministry!

At the conclusion of Family Camp at Cedar Glen, several campers stayed to participate in the rededication of the Wyatt Memorial Chapel. The Chapel was built in 1951 and has served as holy ground for generations of disciples. 

Rev. Christian Dement and Rev. James Dollins led the service. James played the guitar, led songs, and recalled stories of his youth in the chapel. Christian read from the original dedication pamphlet and told his story of the chapel. Freedom Macias, Site Director, gave an update on all the work completed, including new doors, a new roof, indoor improvements, and many other smaller projects.  

Participants were askes to tell a story about the days of old and how many received their call in that chapel, as well as so many wedding and memorial services.

Thank you to Freedom and Jason Kuiper (former Director) and the staff and Site team at Cedar Glen, the Wyatt Memorial Chapel looks so very beautiful. Look for more opportunities in the future to bring your family to camp!