Skeeto Faire Raises Funds
On March 30, 2014 the Outreach and Social Concerns Committee along with Youth Ministries sponsored the Skeeto Faire. The purpose was to raise awareness of the United Methodist Church’s Imagine No Malaria initiative and to raise funds for the California Pacific Conference’s effort to save
Making a Difference Globally and Locally
Morro Bay, CA – Four churches in San Luis Obispo County, California – Estero Bay UMC in Morro Bay, Trinity UMC in Los Osos, First UMC in Paso Robles, and Atascadero UMC – raised $5,108 in May 2014 for the Imagine No Malaria initiative to
Los Altos Youth Group Wins!
The youth group of Los Altos United Methodist Church in Long Beach, CA, won the prize for raising the most funds for Imagine No Malaria by this year’s annual Youth Alive and Spirit Quest retreat weekend. The group hosted fundraisers since the competition was announced,
A plea for action from Pastor Krista Givens
Aloha, Colleagues in the Ministry of Jesus Christ! Imagine No Malaria is an extraordinary effort by The people of The United Methodist Church to eliminate malaria as a major source of death and suffering in Africa by 2015. The California-Pacific Annual Conference has set a
“Here I Am” Nite of Worship ends with a call to action
By Emma Vega Night of Worship based on Isaiah 6: 8, is a conference-wide evangelical initiative targeted for high school and college age youth and young adults. We praise God for all of our sponsors: LAMAG, Conference office of Latino Ministries, Orangethorpe United Methodist Church,