Recap – Day Four
By Joey Butler United Methodist News Service Lay members of The United Methodist Church admonished their peers who are delegates to General Conference to remember that they share in the responsibility of making disciples of Jesus Christ in the world. The May 13 laity address
Recap – Day Three
By Joey Butler United Methodist News Service Over the past three days, the United Methodist General Conference also has offered a live demonstration of just how difficult following its rules of order can be. The final tally on the much-debated Rule 44 — a proposed
Recap – Day Two
By Joey Butler United Methodist News Service A day after the celebratory tone of opening worship came a reminder that General Conference is one big, long meeting. As delegates got down to business, debate over one of the Rules of Order will stretch into a
Friendly Faces! (Day Two)
From General Conference 2016
Recap – Day One
By Joey Butler United Methodist News Service With a drum welcome from indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest, United Methodists gathered for the 2016 General Conference, the top legislative body of denomination, joined in a cacophony of “alleluias” in many languages during opening worship. Delegates
Friendly Faces! (May 10, 2016)
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Follow General Conference 2016
This past weekend, over 120 individuals and local congregations throughout the California-Pacific Conference who signed up for the General Conference 2016 Prayer Vigil covered the 24 hours of May 1, 2016 with prayer for General Conference 2016 which officially begins with Opening Worship and Communion