Bishop Escobedo-Frank’s Announcement regarding District Superintendents
Bishop Escobedo-Frank announces changes in District Superintendents in a short video. Watch the announcement:
Bishop Escobedo-Frank announces changes in District Superintendents in a short video. Watch the announcement:
2023년 2월 23일 연합감리교회 내 한인 교회들의 모임인 연합감리교회 한인교회총회(회장 이철구 목사, 이하 한교총)가 2023년 4월 24일부터 27일까지 뉴저지연합교회(담임 고한승 목사)에서 “변화를 넘어서 새 길을 향하여”(사 43:18-19)라는 주제로 연차 총회를 개최한다. 회장인 이철구 목사는 회원들에게 연차 총회에 초대하는 서신을 보냈다. “연합감리교회 한인 교회를 섬기는 담임
General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR) and ResourceUMC are hosting a Vital Conversation on race relations as a step to help heal the racial divide across our nation. Join us as we partner with Project Unity to present Together We Dine, a Project Unity
This reflection is the third in a series from the leadership of the California-Pacific Annual Conference on the unity of our annual conference and our future within the United Methodist Church. Mystery seems to surround the appointment process. In the tradition of Circuit Riders, the
The official day set to celebrate UMCOR Sunday 2023 is March 19, 2023. All are encouraged to celebrate this Sunday on any Sunday throughout the year. WHAT IS UMCOR SUNDAY? Through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) we are able to provide hope for communities
The California-Pacific Conference’s vision: Ending Spiritual and Physical Hunger resonates and inspires the laity and clergy of our area to give, lead, and serve in new and exciting ways. Each week we will share a video from one of our churches that is living into
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM)’s Office of Loans and Scholarships provides millions of dollars in scholarships to students every year. Finances should never be a barrier to answering your calling in life. GBHEM is here to help as you follow the educational path that’s right
The United Methodist Church allocates part of the World Communion Sunday offerings to the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) for ethnic leadership development. As part of its ongoing mission to nurture United Methodist leaders – both lay and clergy – GBHEM uses
February 21, 2023 The Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA), an independent intersectional justice organization with ties to the United Methodist Church, will be holding a webinar to share the results of a three-year organizational racial audit that the organization has conducted to find the
Dear Cal-Pac, Greetings on this beginning of the season of Lent. I pray your soul is moved by God’s grace and mercy. It is with great honor and respect that I announce to you the intention of Rev. Mark M. Nakagawa to enter into retirement