한인 교회 미래 컨퍼런스에서 한인 연회 구성 가능성이 제기되다 (UM News)
2023년 4월 12일 한인목회강화협의회(회장 정희수 감독, 이하 한목협)는 지난 4월 10일 “내 마음이 당신의 마음을 향하여 진실함 같이”(왕하 10:15)라는 주제로 웨비나 ‘UMC 한인 교회 미래 컨퍼런스’를 주최했다. 연합감리교회에 속한 한인 교회와 교단의 미래를 가늠하고, 새로운 사역을 준비하며, 한인 교회를 강화하기 위한 선교 전략과 방향을 논의하기
2023년 4월 12일 한인목회강화협의회(회장 정희수 감독, 이하 한목협)는 지난 4월 10일 “내 마음이 당신의 마음을 향하여 진실함 같이”(왕하 10:15)라는 주제로 웨비나 ‘UMC 한인 교회 미래 컨퍼런스’를 주최했다. 연합감리교회에 속한 한인 교회와 교단의 미래를 가늠하고, 새로운 사역을 준비하며, 한인 교회를 강화하기 위한 선교 전략과 방향을 논의하기
March 15, 2023 | CLAREMONT, Calif. Claremont School of Theology (CST) announced today that for the first time in 66 years it will be relocating this summer to Los Angeles, CA. In existence since 1885, CST will be located at Westwood United Methodist Church. CST,
United Methodists Observe Native American Ministries Sunday on April 23, 2023 Since 1989, United Methodist congregations have observed the third Sunday after Easter as Native American Ministries Sunday. The purpose is to elevate and support the contributions and voices of Native/Indigenous people in our church.
April 11, 2023 Friends and leaders from across the Alaska Conference and Western Jurisdiction gathered March 19 in Anchorage to celebrate the chartering service of Ola Toe Fuataina United Methodist Church, a primarily Samoan congregation. Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth of the Greater Northwest Episcopal Area presided over
April 10, 2023 Asked their perspectives of United Methodism’s future, more than 650 Black clergy and laity from every jurisdiction in The United Methodist Church listed three top concerns facing the future of the denomination: discrimination and racism, inequities in appointments and salaries, and lack
The California-Pacific Conference’s vision: Ending Spiritual and Physical Hunger resonates and inspires the laity and clergy of our area to give, lead, and serve in new and exciting ways. Each week we will share a video from one of our churches that is living into
Due to unjust immigration policies, migrants are not granted their right to apply for asylum. Instead, families are forced to remain on the southern border living in dangerous conditions and unable to return to their home countries. On May 10th, 2023, the Sisters of St.
March 26, 2023 Friendship Park is the historic border meeting place at the western edge of the US-Mexico border, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Friends and families from both nations have been meeting at this place for generations. Every Sunday afternoon since November 2011, people from
April 4, 2023 Morganton, North Carolina, is in the Blue Ridge Mountains, about a four-hour drive from the Atlantic Ocean. It’s not exactly lighthouse country. But the First United Methodist Church of Morganton is a Lighthouse Congregation, and so proud to be one that it just
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was accused of harming the struggle for civil rights and stepping out of line when taking a stance against excessive military spending. However, Dr. King realized the connection between the struggle for civil and human rights, government spending