이태원 사고로 슬퍼하는 한국인을 위한 기도를 요청하다 (UM News)
2022년 10월 30일 10월 29일 토요일 밤 10시경, 한국의 서울 용산구 이태원에는 약 10만 명 안팎의 인파가 몰린 가운데, 해밀턴 호텔 옆 골목길에서 아직 원인을 알 수 없는 이유로 다수의 시민이 균형을 잃고 넘어지면서 사람들이 도미노처럼 깔리는 사고를 당해, 현재 154명이 사망하고, 132명이 부상(현지시각 오후
2022년 10월 30일 10월 29일 토요일 밤 10시경, 한국의 서울 용산구 이태원에는 약 10만 명 안팎의 인파가 몰린 가운데, 해밀턴 호텔 옆 골목길에서 아직 원인을 알 수 없는 이유로 다수의 시민이 균형을 잃고 넘어지면서 사람들이 도미노처럼 깔리는 사고를 당해, 현재 154명이 사망하고, 132명이 부상(현지시각 오후
We come with hearts broken, yet again, by another senseless act of violence perpetrated against the LGBTQIA+ community, this time at Club Q in Colorado Springs on the eve of the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Because we believe that God’s heart is broken when any
The California-Pacific Conference’s vision: Ending Spiritual and Physical Hunger resonates and inspires the laity and clergy of our area to give, lead, and serve in new and exciting ways. Each week we will share a video from one of our churches that is living into
November 18, 2022 Pandemic and schism have combined to challenge The United Methodist Church in an unprecedented way. And that offers a not-to-be-missed opportunity, according to the Rev. Mike Slaughter. “What a time to reimagine what God’s next is for The United Methodist Church,” the
This November 2022, we are uplifting the work of the indigenous author and illustrator Michaela Goade! November 14, 2022 Michaela Goade is a member of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska who has focused her work on celebrating and honoring indigenous cultures and
November 1, 2022 What began as a small way for Booneville United Methodist Church to reach out to the community has blossomed into an annual event attracting hundreds. Booneville, Iowa, is a small rural town west of Des Moines, but as that city’s suburbs have
October 31, 2022 Former Africa University vice chancellor Rukudzo J. Murapa is being remembered for his vision, networking and leadership, including helping to establish the United Methodist university’s Institute of Peace, Leadership and Governance. Murapa died at age 82 at Murambi Garden Clinic in Mutare
October 26, 2022 The Rev. Telley Lynnette Gadson has spent most of her life battling obesity and shame. As Gadson puts it, even when she was a little girl, she wasn’t a “little” girl. “I was teased, taunted, laughed at,” Gadson said, from the boy
2022년 11월 15일 (편집자 주: 이 글은 2022년 10월 21일 세계선교부 이사회에서 정희수 감독이 “우리는 흔들리지 않을 것입니다(We Shall Not Be Moved)”라는 제목으로 설교한 내용이다.) I. 믿음이란 급변하는 세상에서, 변함없는 토대에 의지하려는 갈망입니다. 하나님의 사랑은 어떤 상황이나 조건 속에서도 변치 않습니다. 따라서 우리는 또 다른 시간을 갈망하면서도 하나님의
With great sadness, we are saying goodbye and happy retirement to Judy and Doug Lewis as they retire as Chairs of the California-Pacific Conference Disaster Response Task Force and United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM). They have worked tirelessly in helping our Conference become a leader