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Truth in History: Examining Indian Boarding Schools in California
The California-Pacific Conference Commission on Native American Ministries (CONAM) recommends the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS), a three-part webinar series exploring the ongoing legacy of the U.S. Indian Boarding School era produced with the generous support of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians.
Church Finances: How to stay afloat and thrive (GBHEM Virtual Book Club)
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) will host its first virtual book club with Bonnie Marden, author of “Church Finances for Missional Leaders: Best Practices for Faithful Stewardship.” Viewers are encouraged to order Marden’s book prior to the discussion and to ask questions during
Asian American Language Ministry Plan Announces the COVID-19 Resiliency Fund
General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM)June 24, 2020 | ATLANTA The Asian American Language Ministry Plan (AALM), housed at the General Board of Global Ministries, has created the AALM COVID-19 Resiliency Fund in direct response to the current needs facing local Asian American United Methodist
United Methodists Set to Unveil “Dismantling Racism” Initiative
United Methodist CommunicationsOffice of Public Information June 16, 2020 Nashville, Tennessee: United Methodist Church leaders will launch a plan of action to galvanize church members and others to actively stand against racism in the wake of the death of George Floyd and protests across the
(Updated) Leading in Crisis: Pastoral Realities of 2020 (A GBHEM E-Panel Discussion)
Update: This post has been updated with links. General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) is hosting their first “Leading in Crisis” e-panel discussion with Bishop Grant Hagiya of the California-Pacific Conference and Bishop Ken Carter of the Florida Conference. The discussion topic is, “Feeling
UMCRM Statement for Racial Justice
Dear UMCRM members, supporters, and friends, Last week’s events have exposed the multigenerational suffering that white privilege and systemic institutional bias have inflicted on black and brown people of color in our country. The United Methodist Camp and Retreat Ministries Association stands in solidarity with
Registration Now Open for the FREE online Local Church Historian School
The General Commission on Archives and History of the United Methodist Church will be offering a Local Church Historian School in 2020 for church historians–or anyone interested in the story of their church. This is the same school developed and offered by the Indiana Conference