June 4, 2015
Rosewood United Methodist Church
The Rev. Dr. Genilma Boehler is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church, assigned as a professor of theology at the Latin American Biblical University – Universidad Bíblica Latinoamericana (UBL) – in San Jose, Costa Rica.
At this event, for clergy and laity, is a workshop on the different theological perspectives in Latin America which includes a time of reflection on our practices in our own ministry contexts.
This bilingual (English/Spanish) event is coordinated by Centro Hispano de Recursos para la Excelencia Ministerial: CHREM: the Hispanic Resource Center that equips Laity of the California-Pacific Conference and the United Methodist Church to transform the world.
Please RSVP to Emma Vega at evega@calpacumc.org and (626) 568-7357.
Donations will be accepted for missionary.