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[POSTPONED] One Great Day of Caring, May 2020 (Disaster Response) @Newbury Park

may, 2020

02may8:00 AM5:00 PM[POSTPONED] One Great Day of Caring, May 2020 (Disaster Response) @Newbury Park8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Event Details

Update [3/30/2020]: This event has been postponed until further announcement due to the COVID-19 pandemic safety.


Registration is $40. Registration cost includes light lunch and manuals.

Registration Deadline: Registration and payment are due by Monday, April 27, 2020.


Participants will choose between ERT Training and Connecting Neighbors. Each class is an 8-hour class so participants can only attend one.

  • ERT Class: Class instructors are Doug & Judy Lewis from the California-Pacific Conference. Early Response Teams (ERTs) to fill specific needs in the early days after a disaster, such as cleaning out flood-damaged homes, removing debris, placing tarps on homes and otherwise helping to prevent further damage, while providing a caring Christian presence. To be eligible for an ERT team, participants must take the 8 hour ERT Class. After completion, participants will receive an ERT badge which is valid for three years. A Renewal Class of 4 hours is required every 3 years. A background check (conducted through UMCOR’s Sterling Volunteers program) is required in order to receive an ERT badge and participate on a team. Additional Materials for the ERT class: Participants owning a laptop or WiFi-enabled tablet are encouraged to bring one, in order to efficiently process paperwork related to certification. Laptops and tablets are encouraged, but not required. Participants must have an individual email account for personal use.
  • Connecting Neighbors: Class instructor is Travis Lindsay from the California-Pacific Conference. The 8-hour class is designed to equip and empower individuals and local churches to be a presence in their community (and beyond) in the event of a natural or man-made catastrophic event.


For questions, contact Judy Lewis, Cal-Pac UMVIM/Disaster Response Coordinator, at or 909.731.8248.
