By Allison Mark, Clergy Delegate to General Conference
Scripture for Reflection:
“A New Day will dawn on us from above because God’s love is loving and merciful.” (Luke 1:78) [The greater story comes with John the Baptist’s birth. This is part of Zechariah’s song! (Luke 1:67-79)]
Silent Meditation:
Please spend a few moments meditating on the passage.
When we passed Regionalization yesterday (1 of three R’s down, 2 more to go!), a feeling of hopeful optimism broke through the dawn to give us a better pulse of the feel of this year’s General Conference 2020 in 2024. The impact and the possibilities of passing all “3 R’s” (Regionalization, Revised Social Principles, and Removing harmful anti-LGBTQIA+ language) means a new day and a new dawn of our United Methodist Church. We know the road has been long and hard, but we walk this walk and do this good work because our God is loving and merciful.
Our loving God, the one whose love gives us the strength to persevere, remind us that on this journey we all walk together. Help us to be compassionate with those we disagree with. Fill us with your wisdom and courage to say the words that speak out against injustice and harm and stand with those who seek justice and peace. And give us your grace and mercy as we strive to be more Christ-like in our decisions and actions. Amen.