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Message from Bishop Escobedo-Frank: In Memory of Rev. Dr. Lydia Waters

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February 21, 2025

Dear California-Pacific Annual Conference,

It is with deep sorrow that I share the news of the passing of Rev. Dr. Lydia Waters on February 20, 2025.

Rev. Dr. Waters was born and educated in Texas. Her undergraduate studies were done at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. Prior to her full-time pastorate, she was active in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and 70s, being among the first eight African American students who integrated Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, and being the first African American female, in North Texas, to become a ministerial candidate, mentored by Dr. Zan Holmes, Jr. She was also a member of the Domestic Peace Corp in Harlem, New York. Prior to leaving Texas in 1984, she was a Human Development Consultant for the Foundation for Educational Skills and an Account Executive for the Public Broadcasting System (PBS), Channel 13 in Dallas.

Her graduate studies were done both at Southern Methodist University/Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, Texas, and the Claremont School of Theology in Claremont, California.

She graduated from The Claremont School of Theology with a Master of Divinity Degree and received a Doctor of Divinity Degree from the Southern California School of Ministry.

In 1984, Dr. Waters moved to The California-Pacific Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. In the conference, Dr. Waters was a member of the Board of Ordained Ministry, Chairperson of Ethnic Scholarships and Recruitment for the Board of Ordained Ministry, member of the Episcopacy Committee, and Long Beach District Chairperson for Urban Ministries. Nationally, Dr. Waters was a member of the National Board of Black Methodist for Church Renewal, and she was elected National President of the Black Clergywomen of The United Methodist Church for two terms.

Dr. Waters was appointed to Enterprise UMC in Compton, California in 1985. She merged Enterprise with St. Peters UMC, and the two became Crossroads/Njia Panda UMC in Compton, California, in 1991. She enjoyed a long-term pastorate of twenty years at Crossroads. Under her leadership, the church grew spiritually, numerically, financially, and programmatically. In those twenty years, a successful merger was conducted, a new sanctuary was acquired and paid for, and the congregation purchased a new parsonage. The church also completed a building project that included classrooms, administrative offices, and a fellowship/training hall. Crossroads/Njia Panda was named among the first twenty-five churches chosen as Resource Centers for the General Conference initiative, “Strengthening the Black Church for the Twenty-first Century.”

Dr. Waters traveled the USA and abroad, preaching the Word of God. She was the first Black female to preach in Johannesburg, South Africa. Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth, of the Greater Northwest Area, shared that “Pastor Waters was always “the People’s Pastor.” She walked the streets of the community and got to know the names and needs of the church’s neighbors. She worked with faith leaders from various traditions and perspectives. Pastor Waters welcomed those who had gang affiliations, suffered the effects of HIV and AIDS, single mothers, and those seeking to do good in the world.”

Dr. Waters retired in the summer of 2005. In the summer of 2007 and 2008, she was on the teaching staff for a two-week seminar at Kebler College, Oxford University, London, England. From 2008 until 2010 she was appointed the Executive Pastor of Administration for St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church, Dallas, Texas. From 2012 to 2015, Dr. Waters joined the staff at Keller First United Methodist Church, Keller, Texas, as Pastor of Discipleship and Community. Bishop Bridgeforth shared, “Pastor Waters mentored young people who she sensed had a call to ministry. She was able to see, name, and nurture gifts in lay and clergy. She built teams and empowered them to do the work of ministry with excellence.”

From 2015-2023, she was appointed Senior Pastor of First UMC in Pacoima, CA. Dr. Waters was honored with the Bishop’s Award at the 2024 session of the California-Pacific Annual Conference. At the time of her passing, Dr. Waters was appointed as Interim Senior Pastor at Grace UMC in Los Angeles.

Rev. Dr. Lydia Jackson Waters is a saint among us. She mentored many, loved widely, and followed after the heart of God. She will be greatly missed and we will carry on her legacy. Please pray for her family and for Grace UMC as they navigate their grief. May God comfort all who mourn her passing.

Vaya con Díos Rev. Dr. Waters.

Bishop Dottie Escobedo-Frank
Resident Bishop of the Los Angeles Episcopal area

Information about Rev. Dr. Waters’ services can be found at this link.