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Joint Commission for Church Extension to Mexico

In support of migrants in Mexico, the Joint Commission holds 5 meetings per year, 3 in Mexico and 2 in the United States. At these meetings, The Bishop from Mexico, representatives from Cal-Pac, officers, participating church representatives, including sister churches, and pastors from Mexican Churches are represented. Discussions range from reports on activities at Mexican Churches, to upcoming needs and opportunities. Requests for funding are received and voted on by members present.


14sep10:00 AM4:00 PMJCEMT Retreat 2024 (Justice & Compassion)10:00 AM - 4:00 PM PDT


Tom Pilkington
Chair, Joint Commission
909.645.1212 |

Rev. Baldwin Avendano
Vice Chair, Joint Commission (Mexico)

Rev. Jim Oliver
Treasurer, Joint Commission
562.360.4245 |

Maribel Martínez
Secretary, Joint Commission (Mexico)


Every penny that you contribute to the Joint Commission goes directly to helping our Methodist churches and their support feeding and housing the migrants in Mexico. While we would prefer contributions to be sent to the “greatest need” – and we are always grateful for designated gifts (i.e. roof repair for a specific church, seminary scholarships, or pastoral support) – monthly contributions would be most helpful as our tasks are daunting, but any contributions are appreciated.

Checks payable to “Cal-Pac Conference” with reference to the Joint Commission on the check can be mailed to:

Cal-Pac Conference, P.O. Box 6006, Pasadena, CA 91102-6006

or give online: