Meet the Mexican churches we serve.
El Divino Redentor, Mexicali
El Divino Redentor
Pastor Eduardo Saenz Ramirez with his family
Ministering to migrants in the parks and at the church with prayer and food
El Messia (The Mesiah), Ensenada
El Mesias
Pastor Juan Lozano
Managing a substance abuse meeting
Iglesia Nuevo Pacto, Tijuana
Iglesia Nuevo Pacto
Pastor Arturo Sandoval and wife Ester.Pastor Noe Robio, wife Diana, and children
La Santisima Trinidad, Mexicali
La Santisima Trinidad
Pastor Jaco and Maribel Van der Chaaf
Serving free breakfast to the locals
Principe de Paz (Prince of Peace), Mexicali
Sister Church relationship is Murrieta
Principe de Paz
Pastor Rossy Ramniez
Offering dental services at free clinic with eight volunteers and dentists serving the community
Templo Lirio de los Valles, Ruben. Jaramillo
Templo Lirio de Los Valles
Pastor Armando Bautista V
Ministry in rehabilitation center