What is Lay Servant Ministries?
Through baptism, each of us are called to serve in ministry. This call as a layperson can be to a particular service of administrating, teaching, caring, visioning, visiting, cooking, playing, counseling, knitting, camping, praying, welcoming… the list is endless. Whatever your call might be, the Church needs all of us to offer our gifts for the message of hope and grace.
The United Methodist Church has established three categories for laypersons in the area of lay servant ministries to develop, prepare, and engage principled Christian leaders for the mission of making disciples for the transformation of the world.
What is a Certified Lay Servant?
A Certified Lay Servant serves the local church or charge and provides additional church leadership.
- Provides program leadership, assistance, and support.
- Leads meetings for prayer, training, study, and discussion.
- Conducts, or assists in conducting, services of worship, preaches the Word, or gives addresses.
- Provides congregational and community leadership and fosters caring ministries.
- Assists in the distribution of the elements of Holy Communion.
- Teaches the Scriptures, doctrine, organization, and ministries in The United Methodist Church.
Certified Lay Servants may develop their skills further on the tracks of “Certified Lay Speaker” and “Certified Lay Minister.”
Requirements for Certification
To become a Certified Lay Servant:
- Courses – all taken through the Cal-Pac Conference
a) The Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course
b) One of the following Lay Servant Ministries Advanced Course:- LSM Leading Worship
- LSM Leading Prayer
- LSM Discovering Spiritual Gifts
- LSM Preaching
- LSM UM Heritage
- LSM UM Polity
- Pastor and Church Council or Charge Conference recommendation.
- District committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure approval. (See ¶668.3)
Requirements for Renewal
To Renew Certification as a Lay Servant:
- Courses – One Advanced Lay Servant Ministries Course in the United Methodist Church in the last 2 years that the Lay Servant has not taken before either through the California-Pacific Conference or through BeADiciple.com.
- Annual report of Certified Lay Servant found in the Charge Conference Forms #14.
- Pastor and Church Council or Charge Conference recommendation.
- District Committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure approval. (See ¶668.3)
What is a Certified Lay Speaker?
A Certified Lay Speaker serves by preaching the Word when requested by the pastor, district superintendent, or committee on Lay Servant Ministries, in accordance and compliance with ¶341.1.
A Certified Lay Minister:
- Conducts public worship.
- Cares for the congregation.
- Develops new faith communities.
- Preaches the Word.
- Leads small groups.
- Establishes outreach ministries.
- Serves as a class leader.
- Engages in specializes ministries after appropriate training such as in parish nursing and church planting.
Requirements for Certification
To Become a Certified Lay Speaker:
- Be a Certified as a Lay Servant.
- Courses (¶267.3.c) – all must be registered through the Cal-Pac Conference:
- LSM Basic Course
- LSM Leading Worship
- LSM Leading Prayer
- LSM Discovering Spiritual Gifts
- LSM Preaching
- LSM UM Heritage
- LSM UM Polity
- Pastor and Church Council or Charge Conference recommendation.
- Conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries approval after interview with and recommendation from the District Committee on Lay Servant Ministries. Reach out to your District Lay Servant Ministries Director listed in the contacts on this page.
Requirements for Renewal
To Renew Certification as a Lay Speaker:
- Courses – One Advanced Lay Servant Ministries Course in the United Methodist Church in the last 3 years that the Lay Speaker has not taken before either through the California-Pacific Conference or through BeADiciple.com.
- Annual report of Certified Lay Servant (which includes Lay Speaker) found in the Charge Conference Forms #14.
- Pastor and Church Council or Charge Conference recommendation.
- Conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries approval every 3 years after interview with and recommendation from the district committee on Lay Servant Ministries.
What is a Certified Lay Minister?
A Certified Lay Minister serves as part of a ministry team with the supervision and support of a clergyperson.
The certified lay minister serves to enhance the quality of ministry much like a class leader did in early Methodism through service in the local church, circuit or cooperative parish, or by expanding team ministry in other churches and charges. As with lay ministry in early Methodism, the certified lay minister uses his or her spiritual gifts as evidence of God’s grace” (The Book of Discipline, ¶268.2).
Requirements for Certification
To become a Certified Lay Minister:
- Certified as a lay servant or lay missioner.
- Course Work (¶268):
- CLM Intro to Ministry
- CLM Wesleyan Leadership
- CLM Theology & Worship
- CLM Developing Disciples
- CLM Purpose and Preaching
- CLM Congregational Caring
Pastor and Church Council or Charge Conference recommendation.
District Superintendent recommendation.
Conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries recommendation to the District Committee on Ordained Ministry.
District Committee on Ordained Ministry (DCOM) recommendation.
- Final approval by the Laity Council.
Requirements for Renewal
To Be Recertified as a Certified Lay Minister:
- Annual report of Certified Lay Ministry report found in the Charge Conference Forms #15.
- Pastor and church council or charge conference recommendation.
- Ministry review.
- Lay Servant Ministries advanced course or approved continuing education event every two years that has not been taken before.
- District Superintendent recommendation.
- District Committee on Ordained Ministry (DCOM) recommendation for renewal every 2 years.
- Conference Committee on Lay Servant Ministries approval every 2 years after interview with and recommendation from the DCOM.
Cathy Wilson
Associate Director of Lay and Clergy Credentialing and Development
626.824.2284 | cwilson@calpacumc.org
Melissa Basch
Conference Director, Lay Servant Ministries
619.246.7702 | mbasch@cox.net
East District:
- Khanh Doan
East District Director, Lay Servant Ministries
951.214.3151 | iamkdoan@gmail.com
Hawaiʻi District:
- Lynn Bowersox
Hawaiʻi District Director, Lay Servant Ministries
808.268.1056 | lynnbowersox@gmail.com
North District:
- Rev. Kalesita Tu’ifua
North District Director, Lay Servant Ministries
818.284.3495 | kutuifua@yahoo.com
South District:
- Melissa Basch
South District Director, Lay Servant Ministries
619.246.7702 | melissa.basch@hopeumc.com
West District:
- Caydene Monk
West District, Lay Servant Ministries
213.358.1835 | caydenerr@gmail.com