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Open Enrollment Information for 2025

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A PDF of this letter is available at this link.


There are no plan changes to our current medical, dental or vision plans through the Conference and they will continue to be available in 2025. 
However, we are excited to announce two new features that will enhance our benefits program:

  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) called SupportLinc
  • Online enrollment platform called Ease

We will share about these updates and more during our Open Enrollment Information Meetings starting next week.

These meetings and open enrollment information are intended for:

  • Clergy in active status who are serving churches in Southern California
  • Staff at the churches in Southern California who handle benefits for clergy and lay employees
  • Church lay employees in Southern California who are eligible through their church’s policies
  • Clergy and full-time lay employees of the Conference Center, District Offices, and Camps

Click the links below to register and join us on Zoom:
Open Enrollment Information Meetings
(Live meetings via Zoom)



SupportLinc Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

  • This program is designed to provide emotional wellbeing and work-life balance resources to keep you at your best. It is being funded by the Cal-Pac Board of Pension and Health Benefits and there will be no cost for services such as: short-term counseling; coaching; 24/7/365 in-the-moment help line; consultations for legal and financial issues; convenience referrals for everyday needs. All services will be provided under strict confidentiality standards.
  • More details will be published in December, including information about how to access the services beginning 1/1/25.
  • The program is available to all clergy and lay employees of our churches, their spouse/partner, dependents and household members. This includes dependent children under the age of 26, whether they live in the employee’s household or not.
  • You do not need to be a participant in the Cal-Pac health insurance plan to participate in the EAP. The plan is open to all churches, clergy and lay employees. 

Ease Online Enrollment Platform

  • No more paper enrollment forms! From now on, you’ll be able to enroll, make changes and view your coverage throughout the year. You’ll find detailed information in the Ease Employee User Guide contained in the Benefit Guide packet.
  • If you are already enrolled in the Cal-Pac health plan, you will receive an email on or before Tuesday, December 3, with the website and login information. The email will come from, so you may want to include this in your approved email list.
  • If you are enrolled and not making any changes to your coverage for 2025 (such as adding or deleting a dependent), you don’t need to do anything to keep the coverage the same. However, we encourage you to visit the portal so you can review your benefits and become familiar with how it works.
  • If you are enrolled and are making changes to your coverage, you’ll be able to do it via the Ease portal.
  • If you are NOT enrolled in the health plan but wish to enroll for 2025, please complete the Health Insurance Benefits Eligibility Form via this link in order to have your profile set up in Ease. Once your profile is set up, you will receive an email from Ease ( with your login information.
  • All plan summaries may be found in the Ease portal. You may also find the summaries on our Cal-Pac webpage at Please make sure to review the 2025 Rates.
  • Note that the Guidelines for Sponsoring the Conference Health Plan have been revised for 2025. Please review them, especially if your church does not currently sponsor the Conference Health Plan and is considering doing so. 


  • If you are NOT enrolled in the health plan but wish to enroll for 2025, please complete the Health Insurance Benefits Eligibility Form via this link in order to have your profile set up in Ease. Once your profile is set up, you will receive an email from Ease ( with your login information.
  • If you are currently enrolled and would like to change your benefits selection, you may do that on the Ease portal during the open enrollment period.
  • Unless you have a qualifying event, if you do not make changes during this open enrollment your next opportunity to make changes will be next year’s Open Enrollment for your 2026 Health Benefits.
  • If a pastor or church employee is not currently enrolled and will continue waiving the Cal-Pac health plan they should complete an Insurance Declination form.  The form will be routed to the Health Benefits office when submitted. Click here to complete the Health Insurance Declination Form

For open enrollment information and questions, please contact:
Rosa Garcia
Cal-Pac Health Benefits Office:

Many of these new services are the result of our association with Alliance 360 Insurance Solutions, under the guidance of Ramona Shamoun, Senior Benefits Consultant. Alliance representatives provide support for members enrolled in our medical, dental and vision plans, they support the work of our Health Benefits Office, and they assist our Board of Pension & Health Benefits in finding the best plans for our eligible staff each year. Contact information may be found in the Benefits Guide.