Effective Black Parenting is a parenting curriculum out of the DC Children’s Trust Fund and approved for parenting instruction by many social service agencies nationwide. It is a 15-module parenting curriculum. We serve families who have been court-mandated to take parenting training and seek reunification with their children. We have also served and welcome parents, mentors, teachers, and other caregivers wishing to learn culturally rich and loving parenting methods.

We will meet on Zoom Mondays and Thursdays from 7 PM – 9 PM PT, February 6 – March 30, 2023. Topics include effective praise methods, healthy communication, personal care of the parent/guardian, disciplinary methods, child behavior tracking and modification methods, information on child development, historic development on parenting methods for black families in the US, and more.
This free class is for parents, guardians, teachers, mentors, child/youth caregivers and is open to students now. Any registrants we do not have room for in this cohort will be contacted for future cohorts.
We would love it if you would join us for your parenting needs, refer us to others, and contact us if you wish for your congregation or team to be trained. We use biblical stories and African and biblical Proverbs, as well as extensively developed and researched parenting methods, to do the work of God in the world.
To register, click HERE.
Strengthening the Black Village (SBV) is Rev. Christy Ann Clark’s appointment beyond the local church. It is a faith-based nonprofit organization she founded in 2021, recognized as a UMC Special Advance. The organization trains parents in faithful, culturally rich, and loving parenting team methods. SBV partners with Saint Mark UMC, Los Angeles, and St. John’s UMC, Watts, with ties to other United Methodist churches around the Cal-Pac Conference. SBV also trains instructors and teams of instructors from within and outside of the UMC.
SBV offers Effective Black Parenting to those court-mandated to take parenting courses, and to others seeking parenting instruction and nurture in order to become more faithful, loving, and healthy parent/caregivers. Each cohort is customized to meet the unique needs of the students enrolled.