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Recording: Make it Last: Tips to Sustain Your Fundraising Flow

  • Make it Last: Tips to Sustain Your Fundraising Flow
    Designed for pastors, those on stewardship or mission and outreach teams, or program leaders raising critical funds (youth mission trips, anyone?), this down-to-earth Learning Lab will revisit fundraising basics meant to keep your funds flowing. Knowing your mission, cultivating powerful stories, and remembering the importance of saying thanks are key ways your ministry team can raise funds year after year. Led by Maria Longley, the Director of Community Life at Aldersgate UMC and a former fundraising and development professional. Passionate about the intersection of nonprofits and the church, she answered a call to ministry in 2021. A graduate of Perkins School of Theology, she is a candidate for commissioning as a provisional deacon at the upcoming Cal-Pac annual conference.

Below is the recording of this session and related resources.
Explore our other Cal-Pac Learning Lab sessions at this link.



Cal-Pac Learning Labs: Make it Last: Tips to Sustain Your Fundraising Flow