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Rev. Luis A. Garcia Installed as South District Superintendent

On Saturday, August 10, the South District of Cal-Pac officially welcomed the new District Superintendent, Rev. Luis A. Garcia, with an Installation Worship Service at Vista UMC. The service included bilingual hymns and Bible readings, words of affirmation from Bishop Escobedo-Frank, and a sermon from DS Garcia titled “Are We There Yet?”

Led by Be Still Ministry, the music ushered the service into a space of worship and joy. The planning committee, led by Michael Mitchell and Dione Taylor, orchestrated a warm and inclusive service that truly reflected the heart of our community.

East District Superintendent Rev. Moonyoung Lee led the presentation of the Signs of District Superintendency and welcomed Rev. Garcia and welcomed his family to the South District. As part of this presentation, Rev. Garcia was given a Bible, a stole, and the Book of Discipline. Rev. Paige Eaves, Assistant District Director in the South District, presented Rev. Garcia with a map of the South District, reflecting on the diverse landscapes and people of the district.

Rev. Garcia’s sermon was titled “Are We There Yet?” and came from Luke 5:1-11. Likening the Christian journey to hiking up a mountain, Rev. Garcia reminded us that even when we reach the top, there are always more peaks to climb. “Passages like this one in Luke are landmarks that remind us why we are here, why we are in the church,” he said. Rev. Garcia passionately spoke about the local church as the powerhouse for making new disciples and the source of the church’s future, saying “Making disciples will take care of transforming the world.” As he called the congregation to continue striving for new heights in their spiritual journey, his words resonated with all present, leaving us inspired and ready to embrace the work ahead.

The service also included a special offering for Cal-Pac Border Ministries and a celebration of Holy Communion. This celebration of community and faith held a promise of new beginnings under the leadership of Rev. Luis A. Garcia. As we move forward, we do so with renewed commitment, ready to climb the mountains ahead, knowing that together, we can reach new heights.