Lay Equalization 2014 Report Ready
To view Lay Equalization 2014 Report, please CLICK HERE
To view Lay Equalization 2014 Report, please CLICK HERE
District Conference and Pre-Conference Briefing for Districts in California are scheduled for Saturday, May 3, 2014 at the following locations and times: [tw-column width=”three-fourth”] [tw-toggle title=”North District”] Camarillo UMC 291 Anacapa Dr, Camarillo, CA 93010 District Conference (Sanctuary) 9:00AM Pre-Conference Briefing (Sanctuary) 10:00AM [/tw-toggle] [tw-toggle
Livestreaming will be available for the United Methodist Women “Assembly 2014: Make it Happen!” being held this weekend in Louisville, Kentucky. Women from around the country and mission partners from across the globe are called to the 19th quadrennial Assembly. Former United States Secretary of
John 20:1-18 Brothers and Sisters, The Lord is Risen, Risen indeed! Yesterday I received word that one of our churches had already celebrated Easter morning! From Immanuel UMC of Saipan came that wonderful word of faith that sustains us from Easter to Easter. They said,
Every Holy Week brings its blessings. This past Palm/Passion Sunday I was blessed to be with our brothers and sisters at Hollywood UMC considering our own lives in the reflection of those who were present on that Passover that led to what we now know
Training for ERT and UMVIM leaders will be offered at La Habra UMC, April 22nd from 6-10 pm. Since the UMVIM leader course overlaps the ERT leader class, Travis Lindsay and Judy Lewis will co-teach the class. Many conferences now require that the leaders have
This global Rethink Church event (May 17-18, 2014) helps build community locally and fight malaria globally. Did your church register a project for this year? [tw-button size=”large” background=”” color=”” target=”_blank” link=””]Learn More from Rethink Church[/tw-button]
your GIFT CONNECTS AND UNITES “Lots of urban Native Americans have lost connection with their culture, language and even identity, by choice or force,” says the Rev. Robert Pierce, Texas Annual Conference Committee on Native American Ministries chair. To help counteract that loss, the Texas
The time between Easter and Hunger Awareness Sunday (HAS) on May 18, 2014, is a good time to raise funds for the Hunger Fund. A big THANK YOU to all churches who are already consistently giving to the Hunger Appeal on the apportionment remittance sheet.
L.A. Council of Religious Leaders invites public for April 4 gathering at Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels as part of nationwide vigil Commemorating the start of Immigration Awareness Month, the Los Angeles Council of Religious Leaders invites the public to gather as “One