미주한인 교회사 발간 (CST)
June 5, 2023 미주한인이민 120주년 및 KCMUSA 창립 20주년 기념 ‘미주한인교회사’ 출판감사예배 주요 참석자 기념촬영 ©기독일보 지난 5월 9일, 미주 한인 이민 120주년을 기념하며 ‘미주 한인 교회사’를 발간한 재미 한인 기독교 선교재단(이하 KCMUSA, 이사장 민종기 목사)이 LA 한인 타운에 위치한 옥스퍼드 팔레스 호텔에서 출판 감사예배를
June 5, 2023 미주한인이민 120주년 및 KCMUSA 창립 20주년 기념 ‘미주한인교회사’ 출판감사예배 주요 참석자 기념촬영 ©기독일보 지난 5월 9일, 미주 한인 이민 120주년을 기념하며 ‘미주 한인 교회사’를 발간한 재미 한인 기독교 선교재단(이하 KCMUSA, 이사장 민종기 목사)이 LA 한인 타운에 위치한 옥스퍼드 팔레스 호텔에서 출판 감사예배를
Now accepting applications: exclusive online program providing Pastors the opportunity to develop their skills from anywhere There is a sacred trust that allows pastors into the vulnerable moments of life. Precious few people are invited into struggles with addiction, medical diagnoses, tragedy or spiritual crises.
July 17, 2023 연합감리교회 고등교육사역부의 통합임상목회실습센터(Center for Integrative Pastoral Practice, 이하CIPP)가 2021년에 이어, 한국어로 진행하는 온라인 임상목회교육(Clinical Pastoral Education, 이하 CPE) 2023년 기초 과정을 개설했다. 교육 과정은 2023년 9월 8일부터 2024년 1월 31일까지 진행되며, 현재 수강 신청을 받고 있다. 소중한 사람이 중독의 문제를 겪고 있거나 심각한
No one is born with all the skills required for intercultural competency. That’s why it’s helpful to have tools that support our work in this important area. This resource supports the ability for diverse individuals to come together to discuss a time when each felt differently. In doing so,
Just like with everything else, there are more and less honorable ways to learn about another culture. For example, the Church has always been diasporic (we move away into different spaces) and missional (we want to share how we understand God’s movement in and through
June 30, 2023 We lament the recent Supreme Court decisions, which struck down the use of affirmative action in higher education, gave permission for businesses to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, and blocked even modest relief for overburdened student loans borrowers. As a
February 1, 2022 As we begin a new year, we cannot help but reflect on the large divide within our society — the political, ideological and cultural chasms. This divide, combined with a pandemic, limits our ability to relate to different perspectives. I would
Roland Fernandes, the General Secretary (chief executive) of Global Ministries and United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), and Rev. Greg Bergquist, the General Secretary of the General Board of Higher Education & Ministry (GBHEM), wrote on June 28, 2023: For everything, there is a season!
June 21, 2023 Africa University graduated its largest class to date on June 10 and celebrated several firsts for the United Methodist university. More than 950 students from 19 countries received degrees during the university’s 29th graduation ceremony. This year, Africa University’s largest group of
Since the late 19th century, the Methodist mission station in Quéssua, Angola, has supported the physical and spiritual needs of the villagers in this rural area, now part of the East Angola Conference of The United Methodist Church. A mission station is an outpost of