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Living in Christian Hope (UM Global Ministries)
December 19, 2023 Hope – the belief in things unseen or yet unrealized – lies at the heart of the Christian faith, defining expectations and shaping visions for tomorrow. At Christmas, we celebrate Jesus Christ as the hope of the world. Emmanuel, God with
A preacher must humanize suffering (Faith & Leadership at Duke)
December 12, 2023 A preacher’s main task is not to make a political stand but to preach the gospel by showing how God lives in the midst of human suffering, says the dean of Duke Chapel. Preaching during a war can be a difficult task.
The well of joy (Faith & Leadership at Duke)
December 12, 2023 We cannot deny the world’s suffering, but building up our sources of joy can help sustain us in work for justice, writes a clinical psychologist. As a clinical psychologist, I spend much of my professional time helping make sense of what happens
Finding peace values through pain and joy in Colombia (UM Global Ministries)
December 15, 2023 You show that you are Christ’s letter, delivered by us. You weren’t written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God. You weren’t written on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. – 2 Corinthians 3:3 (CEB) BOGOTÁ,
Church gets helping hand after vandalism nearby Jewish congregations (Westwood UMC)
Westwood United Methodist Church and businesses nearby were vandalized with graffiti after a Dec. 8 “Free Gaza” protest that occurred not far from where President Biden was holding a fundraiser. The church’s senior pastor, the Rev. Molly Vetter, said two nearby Jewish congregations, apparently assisted
The expansive work of UMCOR (UM Global Ministries)
December 14, 2023 ATLANTA – Last year, severe flooding ended the lives of more than 600 people and displaced 1.4 million in several regions of Nigeria. Not only did the floods submerge buildings, streets and farmland – some communities experienced an outbreak of cholera as floodwaters
또다시 이 사람, 이동환 목사를 소개합니다 ‘결국 사랑이 승리할 것입니다’ (UM News)
2023년 12월 12일 (편집자 주: 이 기사는 연합감리교뉴스가 교파와 종교, 인종과 성별을 초월하여 소외된 사람을 위해 일하는 사람들과 소외된 지역의 사람들을 심층 취재해 소개하기 위해 마련한 <이 사람을 소개합니다> 시리즈에 실었던 글에 최근 출교 선고에 관한 내용을 추가해서 다시 소개한다. 2019년 8월 퀴어 문화 축제에 참석해 축복식을 집례했다는 이유로 기독교대한감리회에서 2022년 정직 2년을 선고받았던 수원 영광제일교회의 이동환 목사에게 경기연회 재판위원회(박영식 위원장)는 12월 8일 ‘성소수자 환대 목회’를 이유로 ‘출교’를 선고했다.) 본인을 소개해주시겠습니까? 저는 대한기독교감리회 경기 연회 소속인 이동환 목사로, 현재는 ‘한국교회를 향한 퀴어한 질문’ 큐앤에이(이하 큐앤에이Queers and Allies)에서 대표로 섬기고 있습니다. 큐앤에이는 크리스천 퀴어-앨라이(Queers and Allies) 운동을
Hispanic/Latino leaders reconnect, reflect on ministry and community (UM News)
December 7, 2023 After the long period of isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Hispanic-Latino leaders of The United Methodist Church gathered Oct. 30-Nov. 1 in Phoenix. The event, Entre Nos (“Among Us”), was hosted by the National Plan for Hispanic-Latino Ministry, attracting more than
GCORR Book Study: Primal Leadership (UM Religion & Race)
GCORR Book Study Guide: For Small Groups & Individual Reflection GCORR remains committed to supporting and resourcing the Church in its journey of dismantling racism. We are aware that people learn and grow in many ways due to the rich diversity of humanity. Our hope