연합감리교회 한인총회가 10월 2‒5일 시카고에서 개최된다 (UM News)
2023년 6월 5일 지난 2020년 3월 11일 WTO가 공식적으로 팬데믹을 선언했고, 그 후 3년 만에 코로나19는 엔데믹으로 전환되었다. 전 세계가 코로나19로 몸살을 앓는 사이, 연합감리교회에는 성소수자 사역을 둘러싼 오랜 논쟁과 2019년 특별총회에서 통과시킨 장정 ¶ 2553에 의거 교단을 떠나는 교회들이 생겨났다. 교단 내 불확실성이 어느
2023년 6월 5일 지난 2020년 3월 11일 WTO가 공식적으로 팬데믹을 선언했고, 그 후 3년 만에 코로나19는 엔데믹으로 전환되었다. 전 세계가 코로나19로 몸살을 앓는 사이, 연합감리교회에는 성소수자 사역을 둘러싼 오랜 논쟁과 2019년 특별총회에서 통과시킨 장정 ¶ 2553에 의거 교단을 떠나는 교회들이 생겨났다. 교단 내 불확실성이 어느
The California-Pacific Conference’s vision: Ending Spiritual and Physical Hunger resonates and inspires the laity and clergy of our area to give, lead, and serve in new and exciting ways. Each week we will share a video from one of our churches that is living into
Last Saturday, June 3, a second fire broke out at St. John’s United Methodist Church in historic Watts (Los Angeles) and in California-Pacific Conference’s West District of The United Methodist Church. Friendly neighbors first reported the fire while the church’s senior pastor, Rev. Dr. Kathey
Below the graphic you’ll find a full readout of the text it contains. This helps aid accessibility, particularly for those using screen-reading software. As the outgoing pastor, your role is to leave well, bridging the transition between the incoming pastor and yourself. If you are
Since the early 1980s, United Methodists have had at least one statement in the Book of Resolutions encouraging the use of inclusive or expansive language for God that reflects the full range of the biblical witness to the nature of God and language for human
The California-Pacific Conference’s vision: Ending Spiritual and Physical Hunger resonates and inspires the laity and clergy of our area to give, lead, and serve in new and exciting ways. Each week we will share a video from one of our churches that is living into
May 25, 2023 Recently, two disaster response team members from the California-Pacific Conference traveled to remote Alaska with the idea they were going to focus solely on assessing damage caused to homes by last fall’s Typhoon Merbok, when they stumbled upon a pick-up game of
2023년 5월 24일 연합감리교회 타인종목회자전국연합회(National Association of Korean American United Methodist Pastors Serving Cross/Racial Appointment)와 한인여교역자전국연합회(National Association of United Methodists Church Korean-American Clergywomen)가 공동으로 주최하는 연합 연차 대회(Convocation)가 오는 7월 31일부터 8월 3일까지 와싱톤 DC에 소재한 사귐의교회(김영봉 목사 시무)에서, “하나님은 사랑이시라 사랑 안에 거하는 자는
May 3, 2023 The Pananaw Newsletter, the Official Newsletter of the National United Methodist Youth Fellowship in the Philippines, is partnering with the Board of Women’s Work to launch a new initiative called #CloseTheGap: Using Information to Facilitate Innovation and Action. This project, funded by
On Pentecost Sunday, we remember the day the disciples received the Holy Spirit in a special way. The story in Acts 2 describes a powerful wind and tongues of fire as the Holy Spirit was poured out on people from all over the world who came to