Resource Page: Lahaina Relief
A dedicated page for the 2023 Maui fires has been created. The following resources can be found at More information will be added as it becomes available.
A dedicated page for the 2023 Maui fires has been created. The following resources can be found at More information will be added as it becomes available.
August 15, 2023 The massive losses from last week’s Maui, Hawaii, wildfires include the beloved and historic Lahaina United Methodist Church sanctuary, as well as the homes of some congregation members. Pastor John Crewe said he has been able to determine that no members were killed or
August 10, 2023 The United Methodist Radio Network has voted unanimously to rebrand as the United Methodist Broadcast Network. The change, made during the group’s annual meeting in South Africa June 19-21, shows the network’s commitment to using the power of broadcasting to reach more people
July 14, 2023 한글로 읽기 Rest in peace, Kiyoko Kasai Fujiu! I give thanks to God for her beautiful 98 years of life lived. Kiyoko was a trailblazer, a “little giant” for justice and equality. She was an advocate for full participation for women and
July 5, 2023 The writer of 1 Peter 1:17-23 (NIV) focuses on the role of apostles whom God chose to share the gospel. “For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God,” the
See Bishop Escobedo-Frank’s pastoral letter HERE. In response to the devastating fires which have ripped through Hawai`i in the last few days, a special giving link has been set up at the Conference center. As United Methodists, we want to bring our resources to the
All are invited to join the UM churches in the Hawai`i District for a time of prayer and emergency meeting with the Hawai`i District Disaster Response Task Force on August 9, 2023, at 7:00 PM HST / 10:00 PM PDT. Start Time: 7:00 PM HST / 10:00
Dear Siblings in Christ, Yesterday the wind was high as I took off from Honolulu to the West Coast. We were aware of the presence of Hurricane Dora, as the wind had been high for the last part of our trip. This morning I woke
2023년 8월 7일 2023년 7월 26일 세계교회협의회(World Council of Churches, 이하 WCC)는 광복절 78주년인 8월 15일을 앞두고, 한국기독교교회협의회(NCCK)가 한국어와 영문으로 작성한 <한반도 평화와 화해를 위한 공동기도문 | Joint South-North Prayer for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula>을 전 세계에 배포했다. WCC는 보도자료를 통해, 주일인 8월
August 7, 2023 DOWNLOAD VIDEO >> Kailua United Methodist Church is committed to creation care in big and small ways. For example, the congregation regularly participates in community projects aimed at preserving sacred Hawaiian natural areas. Members also switched from disposable to washable cups and