By Emma Vega

Night of Worship based on Isaiah 6: 8, is a conference-wide evangelical initiative targeted for high school and college age youth and young adults. We praise God for all of our sponsors: LAMAG, Conference office of Latino Ministries, Orangethorpe United Methodist Church, and to all of our many volunteers. Although our Latino leadership team’s prayers and focus were to invite our young people to come together to worship God and hear the gospel in a bi-lingual contemporary setting, we acknowledge that it is God who is the One who “knocks” on the hearts to come and follow Him to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Katie Kevorkian, our Conference’s INM Field Coordinator helped us to set up an INM information booth and sent us a video and message to invite our young people that they too can make a difference and save a life to help raise awareness. Jackie Vazquez, Conference UMW Spanish language coordinator challenged our young people to take back this information to their own local churches and communities in summary to continue to connect their faith and put into action.
We believe that it is not only vital to help empower our young people (who are the new generation and future leaders of the UMC), but to give them opportunities to take ownership in discovering their spiritual gifts and interests to love and serve God and neighbor as the most important commandments to continue to build the Kingdom of God here on Earth.
It was shocking and heart-wrenching to learn about the statistics: every 60 seconds, a child dies from this preventable and curable disease transmitted by a mosquito in Africa.
Consequently, not all may be called by God to go into the mission fields abroad, but you too can help partner with our conference today to help fulfill the mission to end malaria deaths.
To start, please prayerfully consider inviting your family, friends, churches, etc., and text MALARIA CP to 27722 to donate $10.
To see more photos and video of Nite of Worship, Jackie Vazquez Imagine No Malaria announcement, visit Cal-Pac Latino Ministries on Facebook!